Behind the Story: The Grand Assault and 19th Century Fencing in New York City
Introduction From “The Grand Assault” - An advertisement displayed at the Fencing Club. A Grand Assault at the Park Theater Mr. Armstrong of the Knickerbocker Fencing Club will fight a match with the latest in steam mechanicks for the art of fencing, the Schermitore a vapore , or the steam fencer. This man sized automaton was developed by the acclaimed Italian inventor Doctor Cosimo Cervello, who is the creator of the Cervello Steam Boat that was used effectively in the naval bombardment of Algiers. Dr. Cervello claims that the steam fencer, a machine of speed and precision, can defeat any opponent. It has been educated in the use of arms by Count Enrico Strattofenza, the undefeated Champion of the Italian Kingdom of Naples, who will accompany the schermitore a vapore as its manager and trainer. They will be using the latest technology in the art of fencing, the Fioretto di pressione , or the Pressure Foil, also created by the eminent Dr. Cervello, who will attend the mat...